DIJ INDIA has many variant of chrome plated FA Valve also known as Cylinder Direct Valve having special applications in medical field. Product models include cylinder direct valve with gauge, nut & nipple, cylinder direct valve with gauge & flow meter, cylinder direct valve with plastic body & poly carbon pipe and cylinder direct valve with humidifier for wet oxygen. These productsare used in hospitals for adjusting the flow of gases during operations. For example, DIJ INDIA FA Valve with flowmeter reduces the cylinder pressure by merely providing a variable restriction to the flow of Oxygen from the oxygen bank outlet. As volume of Oxygen in the oxygen bank/cylinder reduces, the flowmeter has to be constantly adjusted to maintain the required flowrate. The flowmeter unit is fitted with shatter proof tubes calibrated from 0-15ltrs/min. There also comes brassspindle for fine adjustment of the flow and inlet filter to element micron dust.